
Smoke Free Ontario Act

As of January 1, 2015 the new Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA) is prohibiting smoking tobacco in any enclosed workplace, any enclosed public places, and certain outdoor places in Ontario.  

We've provided a brief overview of the changes to smoking on/around sporting areas as it directly impacts the Twin Cities Minor Tackle Football association (parents, players, agents, coaches and all spectators and volunteers).  However, there are further changes to the Act and so you are strongly encouraged to visit Smoke-Free Ontario for full details at:

Sporting Areas: Smoking is no longer allowed at publicly-owned outdoor sporting areas, spectator areas, sporting areas and public areas within 20 metres (65.6 Feet) of any point of the edge of the sporting or spectator area.
This applies to spaces:

  • Owned by the province, municipalities, colleges and universities.
  • ​Used primarily for sports, such as soccer, football, basketball, beach volleyball or skateboarding (with the exception of golf),
  • ​Open to the public whether or not a fee is charged to enter.

We ask that you to abide by the new rules and adhere to any posted signage.   

Should you witness an infraction, you may:

  • Give notice to the public that smoking is not allowed in the smoke-free areas.
  • Ask the individual(s) to put out their smoke.
  • Should they refuse, you can request they leave the premises.
  • Call 519-575-4400 to report the infraction.